
List of all india arie songs
List of all india arie songs

list of all india arie songs

You’ll want to be sure to check out Alanna Boudreau’s setting of “Pied Beauty” by the poet-priest Gerard Manley Hopkins. Praise be to God, too, for natural wonders large and small. I’ve also included a dedicatory instrumental piece played on kora and oboe for the inauguration and consecration of the abbey. The French lyrics translate as follows:įriend of mankind, friend of the poor, you draw everything unto yourself through the coming of your beloved Son!

list of all india arie songs

Across the Atlantic, the monks of Keur Moussa Abbey in Senegal sing “Nous Te Louons, Père Invisible” (“We Praise You, Invisible Father”), accompanied by balafon (a gourd-resonated xylophone).

List of all india arie songs